vendredi 27 septembre 2013

Rumour NVIDIA GK104 Specifications, release in Q1 2012

Not long after the rumour mill at 3DCenter came up with specifications and details forAMDs Tahiti, they have now moved onto NVIDIAs first next-gen 28nm chip - rumoured to be GK104. Succeeding GF114 and the GeForce GTX 560 cards (except the 448 Core version), GK104 is rumoured to release in Q1 2012 with a smaller die than GF114.

GK104 is reported features between 640 and 768 SP, 80-96 TMU and either 256-bit or 384-bit memory interface. The performance is likely to be a bit faster than GeForce GTX 580. To make an early launch possible, the speculation mentions GK104 could be a hybrid between Fermi and Kepler, with the first true Kepler part coming with GK100. GK104 also aims at a die size smaller than GF114, presumably to undercut AMDs Tahiti and increase yields for an early release. If GK104 does release in early-mid Q1 2012, as rumoured, it will go up directly against Radeon HD 7800 series / Pitcairn, also releasing around the same time.

Meanwhile, the flagship GK100 chip could release in Q2 2012, with early speculation pointing towards estimated specifcations of 1024 SP, 128 TMU, 64 ROP and a 512-bit memory interface, and performance closing in on GTX 590.

Much of the information coming from 3DCenter is contrary to the previously leaked roadmap by 4Gamers. At this early stage such contradictory speculation is the norm, and all such rumours must be taken with a grain of salt.

Source: 3DCenter

samedi 24 août 2013

pumpkin spice latte copycat recipe

Shhh… don’t tell starbucks.Starting Nov. 1, DanO and I declared zero prepared food purchases (restaurant, fast food, coffee shop, etc.) which means it has been a long couple of weeks without a frothy seasonal latte {can I get an amen?}. Peppermint, chai spice, egg nog, gingerbread, you name it, I love it. But I’ve quit them cold turkey this month for budget reasons.Before the withdrawal set in and I started to go cross-eyed, I looked up copycat starbucks recipes on el interwebo. The one that called my name was pumpkin spice latte, so I read a few people’s recipes, got some general ideas and then went for it.Well, I mean, I actually got out all of the ingredients I wanted to use, placed them in an aesthetically pleasing grouping near a source of natural light, took a picture of them, then went for it.{Obviously.}Here’s what I used:STRONG french press coffee (most recipes I saw call for espresso, but I don’t have espresso beans so I upped the bean to water ratio)1.5 cups milk1/4 cup canned pumpkin1 Tbl Vanilla extract1-2 Tbl Sugarpinches (to taste) of: cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg – I did about 1/4 tsp of each, a little more cinnamon(I used these spices because they are what my favorite pumpkin pie recipe calls for. Another good spice would be cloves, and I also saw recipes online that had “pumpkin pie spice” in them, which would work great, too.)First you heat the pumpkin, milk, sugar and vanilla together in a sauce pan over low heat until the sugar and pumpkin are dissolved.Once the first 4 ingredients are blended, add the spices. They do cool things on the top of the milk – let your toddler watch from a safe distance.Then blend until the milk starts to steam and a little foam forms around the outside of the pan (you can’t see it in the next picture, but the foam was there, swearsies).Put the milk mixture into a mug and pour the coffee/espresso over it. Add coffee to taste.I might have spilled a little bit at first, but I’ll never tell. I may have underestimated how hard it is to pour coffee into a mug with one eye closed and the other one looking through a camera. Also, I’d always been told that if you close one eye you have no depth perception, but now I totally believe it.This whole recipe was a bit of an experiment, but I happily stumbled on something that I loved the first time. I’d encourage you to tweak ingredients, tasting as you go.This recipe makes about 20oz – a Starbucks venti – because mama likes her lattes venti.This took a little more time than my usual coffee or chai routine, so it wouldn’t be an everyday thing for me (unless! ::lightbulb moment:: unless I could make a double or triple batch  of the milk mixture and store it in the fridge for a few days? I think I’ll try this next week.)Pumpkin Spice Latte Copycat Recipe1.5 cups milk1/4 cup canned pumpkin1 Tbl Vanilla extract1-2 Tbl SugarApprox 1/4 tsp cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg – to tasteStrong coffee or espresso to taste (1-2 shots)In a small sauce pan over low heat, blend milk, pumpkin, sugar, and vanilla extract together until homogenous. Add spices to taste, likely more cinnamon than the others. Mix well, raise heat to medium and stir frequently until the milk mixture begins to steam and a foam begins to form around the outside of the surface. Pour into large mug. Pour coffee or espresso over. Enjoy!

vendredi 23 août 2013

anthony lister high speed video in italy..

Speaking of processes, check out this high speed video of Anthony Lister putting up a mural for his show The Pain of Feeling, in Italy.

mercredi 21 août 2013

Thimblewinder's Tiny Party Winner Medals..


A few weeks ago I bumped into Marissa of Thimblewinder at the SF Zine Fest. I had met her briefly in Boston at The Handmade Nation screening I did with Faythe Levine last year, but was unaware of her crafty talent. At her booth at the zine fair I quickly fell in love with her Tiny Party! and her winner medals. Let's get real folks, who isn't down for a party all the time? And I don't know about you, but I'll take a medal anyday for being awesome or hell, just plain okay! Plus being sick for a week...I could really use a tiny little party to spruce up this headache. And! Marissa will hand sew your monograms on a medal of your choice!


cheating on moby

There’s a new wrap in my life.That reminds me, why am I never happy with my hair length?Meet my Hotsling. I remember seeing these $50 pieces of fabric when I was registering for all things baby and thinking “yea, no.” So my $35 Moby and I really hit it off, allowing us to cart OBaby up hiking trails, on walks, and around the state fair for hours, as seen here, here, and here. Thing is though, it takes a while to put on so you kind of have to commit to him hanging out in there for at least an hour for it to be worth it, and OBaby usually conks out asleep within minutes of hopping in. Well, so I’m not necessarily complaining about that, it’s just that sometimes I’d rather him be awake during the day if he’s already napped enough. O how he loves to nap in his snuggly Moby wrap.But yesterday when waltzing through the aisles of Homegoods (West coast translation: a TJMAXX style-store that sells, well, goods for one’s home), giving Auntie A her first discounted-kitchen-and-home-decor-mega-center tour, I found this, crumpled up and hiding in an unorganized place on a shelf in the kids section (although, is there an organized place on a Homegoods shelf? I submit to you that there is not). It was adorably colored, the right size, and, hello, $19.99 price tag! I’m not usually a fate-believing person… but…I had the sling on and was watching the instructional DVD moments after walking through my door (Yes, I said DVD. But don’t be fooled, it’s not that high-tech of a baby wearing aparatus. The live-action tutorial was actually a little odd, what with it’s demonstrations utilizing a plastic baby doll). Unlike my other love, Moby, Hotsling holds OBaby in a way that allows him to sit more upright and outward facing so he can see the world. Also, compared to Moby, Hotsling is a cinch to put on, downside being that it’s not as ergonomic as Moby and has more spots that could get sore after supporting the weight of a baby for a while. Now that I’ve tried it though, I would have paid $50 for it all along.Speaking of the weight of a baby: OBaby’s 2 month pediatric appointment is Friday afternoon.Bets are now being taken for his weight and length. Opening wagers start at one comment. Kthanksbye

mardi 20 août 2013

date night

I wanted to share about the romantic evening that Dan and I had together last night. So that you can accurately picture it, you should know that Dan was sporting jeans and a sweatshirt, while I had donned the logo-embroidered tee-shirt from my part time job, slightly sticky with fruit juice. It was really classy. Also, we didn’t have a baby-sitter, so Pearl played chaperone. We had a reservation for 5:30 at Ultra Foods Mart. That’s right folks, grocery store dates are the most romantic type. The FDA frowns upon dogs in grocery stores, so Pearl guarded the car while Dan and I tackled the 26 item shopping list (our cupboards looked like Old Mother Hubbard’s).We flirted through the freezer section, canoodled in the canned goods aisle, and played footsie in produce. As the florescent glow reflected off the linoleum floor and into his eyes, I realized we were more in love now than the day we got married.At high class grocery joints like this one, they give you the opportunity to bag your own groceries, which was truly a highlight of the evening. First came the paper or plastic debate, then the “oh! Hunny, don’t put the bread on the bottom!” not to mention the “don’t forget to put an extra plastic bag around the glass things”. We were just smitten by the time we got handed the longest receipt I think I have ever seen.After reuniting with our very excited puppy, we took a starlight drive across the parking lot to this new restaurant in town called MacDo Nald’s. Dan treated me to a two course meal of fried potato strips and breaded chicken tenders with a creamy honey mustard dressing. He had a Big Mac. As a beautiful conclusion to our night together, we returned home and put away the groceries, realizing that the length of time it takes to eat a hamburger is exactly how long it takes for ice cream to melt.

dimanche 18 août 2013

Reader LOVE Erin McCarty..


Erin McCarty recently sent me an email filled to the brims with her awesomely, colorful and detailed work. Currently this little lady is a senior illustration major at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, in PDX. She's got incredible positive mental attitude which comes over load and clear in her work. I look forward to seeing more from her in the future.




