dimanche 28 juillet 2013

to my one year old

Good morning Buddy!You are one year old today. A year ago this morning you were born. It was such a great morning, and I will always remember that those last moments right before you were born, my midwife told me to stop pushing, so you and my body did the work together. You worked hard that morning, OBaby. We worked hard together.A year later, as amazing as your birth was, it has been even more amazing to watch you grow.God blessed you with a healthy body this year, one that was able to grow and learn and develop. You have gone from a 7lb 11oz little newborn to a 18lb 5oz one year old boy. That in and of itself amazes me, but there has been so much more growth this year, too. You have learned to hold your head up, roll over, roll over again, scoot on your belly, crawl with a surprising amount of speed, sit up, feed yourself meals, drink from a straw cup, pull up on things, stand on your own, sign some words, say mama and dada, and walk.I am so, so proud of you, buddy.It’s funny, I guess, to feel such swelling pride at what you have learned to do, because, well, isn’t that just what babies do? They learn things and grow? Yes, bud, you did exactly what God designed you to do this year as you developed by His grace.You have traveled to 3 other states and learned that being on a plane really just means having a *very* captive audience. You have certainly made countless friends, smiling at everyone you meet eyes with in the grocery store, restaurant, or park. I have watched you learn how the world around you works, and as a result you have become more comfortable with it.And while it may seem trite or silly to be near-exploding with pride over you growing as you naturally should, I know that it is right. I have watched God work, create you from the tiniest seed in my tummy, and teach you to grow all the way into a boy who can take his own steps. It has been a joy to watch you grow as He intended.For the rest of your life, may it be as natural for you to follow God as he teaches you and shows you which way to go as it has been this year – rolling, scooting, sitting, crawling, standing, walking. While natural, it has not always been easy. Learning those kind of big things is hard work. I imagine God has more hard work and big things in store for you. On the other side of it, though, as you look back at how much you’ve grown, you will know that the hard work had to be, and that it was worth it.This year it was moving and standing and eating that God taught you how to do, but someday it will be doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with your God.What an exciting road you have before you! This year has only been the beginning.For each year from here on out, OBaby, may God bless me with that same joy and pride at watching my little boy follow His path and grow exactly as God has designed you to.I love you to the moon and back,Mama

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